About me

Hello! I’m a Research Data Scientist at the Research Triangle Institute (RTI)’s Center for Data Science and AI. My background is in computational social science and physics.

At RTI I collaborate with subject matter experts in public health, environmental science, and other domains to design and conduct quantitative research and help accelerate qualitative research through AI automation. Methodologically, I primarily do data science and statistics work, specializing in causal inference, natural language processing, and the use of generative AI for task automation.

I also recently defended my PhD in Informatics & Complex Systems at Indiana University working primarily with the Observatory on Social Media (OSoMe). In my dissertation, I defined a method for linking online social media content to offline outcomes with modern data science tools and causal inference methods, and demonstrated the method through case studies in public health and politics. I also demonstrated that individual social media interactions have lasting effects on individual users’ attention and sentiments toward entities (e.g. people, places, things), and these micro-scale effects constitute the mechanism for the societal scale effects measured in the case studies.